Tendency (TDC): Your Trustworthy Spring Hinges Manufacturer

Tendency (TDC): Your Trustworthy Spring Hinges Manufacturer

Legacy Meets Innovation: The TDC Journey of Crafting Hinges

Thirty years ago, Tendency (TDC) embarked on a journey to create exceptional hinges, building upon a legacy passed down through generations of our family's hardware manufacturing business. Surrounded by tales of dedication, quality, innovation, and social responsibility, we learned to see hinges not merely as functional elements but as connectors that hold life together.
Today, TDC stands as a global brand, yet we remain rooted in our founding values that propelled us to success. We blend our rich heritage with an unwavering commitment to innovation, constantly pushing boundaries to create spring hinges that go beyond flawless performance. For us, a hinge is an aesthetic detail that adds to the overall ambience of a space, not just a necessity.
At TDC, we take immense pride and look forward to the promising horizon. We're thrilled to be a part of your narrative, connecting your world with our premium spring hinges.

Tendency (TDC) Hinges: Crafting Excellence

Our hinges are manufacturing: link by link. Exquisite hinges, connecting spaces with precision and beauty.